The ideas of company
双击自动滚屏 发布者:admin 发布时间:2011/9/21 阅读:3397次 【字体:

* The principle: honesty, devoting, professional, efficient, creative.

* The maagement idea: harmony can bring business. serve for clients with professional skill and caring others with harmony

* The Aim: we will stand in DaLian and work hard and try our best to provide services for all customers from home and abroad.

* The pricing is the root: we will aim to lower the logistic cost, with the customers hand in hand, and constantly persuit the lowest cost.

* Work creatively:scientificly manage, constantly strive for perfection, advance the service quality and stick on the creation.

* Company humanity: be sincere to others, care others,perseverant and consistant to go forward, build our company a scientific and professional one.

* The company culture: we will always hold the positive attitude and never give up.

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